Ace Software Приложения

Outlook Calendar Transfer Full 2.02
Ace Software
This Outlook Calendar Sync app (OCAL) simply transfersmeetings/appointments between Outlook and Android with just a fewclicks. It is compatible with standard calendar app which comeswith your phone. You may update meeting details (e.g meeting placeor time) in either side and sync up the other side with this app.This software package consists of 2 components: one componentrunning on your Android downloaded from Google Play, and onecomponent running on your PC downloaded free from developer's web.This is the full trial version which has a time limit.If you have already installed the drivers for your Androiddevice on your PC, installing this software package is a breeze.Here are the features:1.Support all languages encoded in Unicode.2.Support most Android calendar apps using the standard Androiddatabase.3.Preserve more Outlook calendar fields than most other syncsoftware. E.g. Attendee details and recurring schedules arepreserved. See details below.4.Android calendar stored in local account named"olcalendar".5.Compatible with Android 4.0 and later versions.What can you do with it?1.Transfer calendar items between Outlook and Android in thedirection you specify.2.Update meetings in either direction.3.Find the number of calendar items existing in Outlook /Android.4.Delete old meetings to clean up your storage.5.Support recurring patterns without exceptions.Examples of supported: every Tuesday with or without end date; the3rd Monday of each month; the 4th of July of each year.Example of unsupported: 3rd Monday of each month except a certaindate; the 4th of July of each year except leap years.Further detailsSoftware Versions supportedWindows versions supported: Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows8.Outlook versions supported: Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, Outlook2010, and Outlook 2013Android versions supported: Android 4.0 and later versions.Requirement: Android Debug Bridge (ADB) driver for your deviceinstalled on your PC.Installation1.Download Outlook Calendar Transfer or Outlook Calendar TransferTrial from Google Play. After installation, run the app and click[Check license] to make sure your software license is delivered toyour phone.2.Download Outlook Calendar Transfer Console software fromdeveloper's web site and install on your PC.3.Connect your Android to your PC and run the Consolesoftware.4.When you run the console for the first time, your anti-virussoftware may ask you if you allow this app / adb to run. Give themfull access. You may need to exit and restart the console.There are device and OS specific instructions for this software.Please see developer web site (link below) for further details.
Contacts Transfer Sync Trial 2.0
Ace Software
We are glad to announce that on March 6, 2013, this softwarepackage has been given 5 Stars Award by editors. Awardsare given to products that they think are excellent and aboveaverage in their category.Outlook Contacts Transfer / Sync software gives you bettercontrol than most other sync software. It lets you decide whichside (phone or PC) has more reliable data and start the sync fromthere. This software package consists of 2 components: onecomponent running on your Android downloaded from Google Play andone component running on your PC downloaded from the developer'sweb site. The user interface, running on Windows, cannot be simplerand no configuration is required. This is the free version for yourtrial.If you have already installed the drivers for your Androiddevice on your PC, installing this software package is a breeze.Here are the features:1.Support all languages (including European and Asian) encodedin Unicode.2.Preserve more Outlook data fields than most other sync software.E.g. The IM addresses and Notes fields are preserved.3.Works with or without Google Sync. Google Sync is the default inlater Android versions.4.Does not interfere with syncing from other third parties likeSkype.5.Compatible with Android Version 2.2 to Version 4.2.6.It can handle up to 1000 contacts.Software Versions supported:Windows versions supported: Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows8.Outlook versions supported: Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, Outlook2010, and Outlook 2013Android versions supported: Version 2.2 to Version 4.2inclusive.Requirement: Android Debug Bridge (ADB) driver for your deviceinstalled on your PC. See below for details.Installation1.Download OL_Contacts_Transfer_Trial from Google Play. Afterinstallation, run the app and click [Check license] to make sureyour software license is delivered to your phone.2.Download Transfer_Trial_Console software from product web siteand install on your PC.3.Connect your Android to your PC and run the Console software.About USB Android Debug Bridge (ADB) DriverYour Android device requires several drivers to communicate toyour PC. One of the drivers is called the ADB driver which allowsyour PC to communicate to the databases in your Android device.The USB ADB driver should be installed automatically on Windows7 and newer OS. In order to trigger automatic driver installation,USB Debugging should be enabled on your Android device beforeconnecting to your PC. Please see below on how to enable USBDebugging. On Windows XP, the driver has to be downloaded andinstalled manually. Here is a link to find the OEM drivers: Nexus products, do not go to the Manufacturer's web site.Get the driver from Google through this link: Samsung Galaxy products, you may have to search in the webwith these key words: "Samsung Galaxy ADB Driver". Modify these keywords according to your device.Please also note that Windows 7/8 may install the wrong driverfor newer products. Please search the web for ADB driver issues foryour specific device. We encourage you to complain to themanufacturers about their quality on drivers support.How to Enable USB DebuggingUSB Debugging must be enabled on your Android phone for thissoftware to work. The procedure to enable it depend on your Androidversion:- On devices running Android 3.2 or older, you can find theoption under Settings > Applications > Development.- On Android 4.0 and newer, it's in Settings > Developeroptions.Note: On Android 4.2 and newer, Developer options is hidden bydefault. To make it available, go to Settings > About phone andtap Build number seven times. Return to the previous screen to findDeveloper options.
Outlook Calendar Transfer Sync 1.09
Ace Software
This Outlook Calendar Sync app (OCAL) simply transfersmeetings/appointments between Outlook and Android with just a fewclicks. It is compatible with standard calendar app which comeswith your phone. You may update meeting details (e.g. meeting placeor time) in either side and sync up the other side with this app.This software package consists of 2 components: one componentrunning on your Android downloaded from Google Play, and onecomponent running on your PC downloaded free from developer's webor CNET.If you have already installed the drivers for your Androiddevice on your PC, installing this software package is a breeze.Here are the features:1.Support all languages encoded in Unicode.2.Support most Android calendar apps using the standard Androiddatabase.3.Preserve more Outlook calendar fields than most other syncsoftware. E.g. Attendee details and recurring schedules arepreserved. See details below.4.Android calendar stored in local account named"olcalendar".5.Compatible with Android 4.0 and later versions.What can you do with it?1.Transfer calendar items between Outlook and Android in thedirection you specify.2.Update meetings in either direction.3.Find the number of calendar items existing in Outlook /Android.4.Delete old meetings to clean up your storage.5.Support recurring patterns without exceptions.Examples of supported: every Tuesday with or without end date; the3rd Monday of each month; the 4th of July of each year.Example of unsupported: 3rd Monday of each month except a certaindate; the 4th of July of each year except leap years.Further detailsSoftware Versions supportedWindows versions supported: Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows8.Outlook versions supported: Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, Outlook2010, and Outlook 2013Android versions supported: Android 4.0 and later versions.Requirement: Android Debug Bridge (ADB) driver for your deviceinstalled on your PC.Installation1.Download Outlook Calendar Transfer or Outlook Calendar TransferTrial from Google Play. After installation, run the app and click[Check license] to make sure your software license is delivered toyour phone.2.Download Outlook Calendar Transfer Console software fromdeveloper's web site and install on your PC.3.Connect your Android to your PC and run the Consolesoftware.4.When you run the console for the first time, your anti-virussoftware may ask you if you allow this app / adb to run. Give themfull access. You may need to exit and restart the console.There are device and OS specific instructions for this software.Please see developer web site (link below) for further details andrefund policy.
GPS Phone Locator Trial 1.6
Ace Software
Forget where you left your phone. No problem,GPS Phone Locator will find it. Want to find where your loved oneis. No problem, GPS Phone Locator will locate your loved one. Youdo not subscribe to data service. No problem, GPS Phone Locatorworks with or without data. If you love your phone, you owe it toyour phone to install it.The phone to be located must have GPS Phone Locator installed init. In order to locate your phone, you need a second phone to findit.Location tracking is just one of the seven remote control (RC)commands that you can use on this app. You can use GPS PhoneCommander to send RC commands. If the "second phone" does not haveGPS Phone Commander installed, then you can just send RC commandsin plain SMS text messages. These commands as listed below:1.??gps - Request its gps coordinates which can be entered intoGoogle Map.2.??call - Request the phone to call you so you can listenin.3.??beep - Request the phone to beep even if the ringer isoff.4.??lock xxxx - Lock the phone with a specified PIN.5.??camera - Request the phone to take a picture with the maincamera.6.??flash - Request the phone to take a picture with flash. Usefulto locate phone in a dark room.7.??front - Request the phone to take a picture with the frontcamera.Known Issue1. This app does not work in phones installed with SMS interceptingapps. This app monitors your SMS messages but will not interceptthem.2.When the phone is in sleep mode, the front camera may not workthrough remote control. This is a limitation of the Android OS. Ifthere is no response for a photograph function, do not issueanother photograph command. You may flush the photograph buffer byissuing a "beep" command.Installation Instructions1.Install as instructed by Google Play.2.For GPS Phone Locator or GPS Phone Locator Trial, start the app.You should see the screen labeled "Activate device administrator".Click "Activate". This will allow this app to lock your phoneremotely.3.No special instructions for GPS Phone Commander.Uninstallation Instructions1.Go to System Settings and then Security.2.Click "Device administrators".3.Click the tick to the right of GPS Phone Locator or GPS PhoneLocator Trial.4.Click "Deactivate".5.Click Home and uninstall as you would uninstall any otherapp.Please see the product web page for details. This is the trialversion for GPS Phone Locator.
Contacts Transfer for Outlook 2.0
Ace Software
We are glad to announce that on March 6, 2013,this software package has been given 5 Stars Award by soft82.comeditors. Awards are given to products that they think are excellentand above average in their category.Outlook Contacts Transfer / Sync software gives you bettercontrol than most other sync software. It lets you decide whichside (phone or PC) has more reliable data and start the sync fromthere. This software package consists of 2 components: onecomponent running on your Android downloaded from Google Play andone component running on your PC downloaded from the developer'sweb site. The user interface, running on Windows, cannot be simplerand no configuration is required.If you have already installed the drivers for your Androiddevice on your PC, installing this software package is a breeze.Here are the features:1.Support all languages (including European and Asian) encodedin Unicode.2.Preserve more Outlook data fields than most other sync software.E.g. The IM addresses and Notes fields are preserved.3.Works with or without Google Sync. Google Sync is the default inlater Android versions.4.Does not interfere with syncing from other third parties likeSkype.5.Compatible with Android Version 2.2 to Version 4.2.6.It can handle up to 1000 contacts.Software Versions supported:Windows versions supported: Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows8.Outlook versions supported: Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, Outlook2010, and Outlook 2013Android versions supported: Version 2.2 to Version 4.2inclusive.Requirement: Android Debug Bridge (ADB) driver for your deviceinstalled on your PC. See below for details.Installation1.Download OL_Contacts_Transfer from Google Play. Afterinstallation, run the app and click [Check license] to make sureyour software license is delivered to your phone.2.Download OL_Transfer_Console software from product web site andinstall on your PC.3.Connect your Android to your PC and run the Console software.About USB Android Debug Bridge (ADB) DriverYour Android device requires several drivers to communicate toyour PC. One of the drivers is called the ADB driver which allowsyour PC to communicate to the databases in your Android device.The USB ADB driver should be installed automatically on Windows7 and newer OS. In order to trigger automatic driver installation,USB Debugging should be enabled on your Android device beforeconnecting to your PC. Please see below on how to enable USBDebugging. On Windows XP, the driver has to be downloaded andinstalled manually. Here is a link to find the OEM drivers: Nexus products, do not go to the Manufacturer's web site.Get the driver from Google through this link: Samsung Galaxy products, you may have to search in the webwith these key words: "Samsung Galaxy ADB Driver". Modify these keywords according to your device.Please also note that Windows 7/8 may install the wrong driverfor newer products. Please search the web for ADB driver issues foryour specific device. We encourage you to complain to themanufacturers about their quality on drivers support.How to Enable USB DebuggingUSB Debugging must be enabled on your Android phone for thissoftware to work. The procedure to enable it depend on your Androidversion:- On devices running Android 3.2 or older, you can find theoption under Settings > Applications > Development.- On Android 4.0 and newer, it's in Settings > Developeroptions.Note: On Android 4.2 and newer, Developer options is hidden bydefault. To make it available, go to Settings > About phone andtap Build number seven times. Return to the previous screen to findDeveloper options.For refund policy, please visit developer's web site.
GPS Phone Locator 1.6
Ace Software
Forget where you left your phone. No problem,GPS Phone Locator will find it. Want to find where your loved oneis. No problem, GPS Phone Locator will locate your loved one. Youdo not subscribe to data service. No problem, GPS Phone Locatorworks with or without data. If you love your phone, you owe it toyour phone to install it.The phone to be located must have GPS Phone Locator installed init. In order to locate your phone, you need a second phone to findit.Location tracking is just one of the seven remote control (RC)commands that you can use on this app. You can use GPS PhoneCommander to send RC commands. If the "second phone" does not haveGPS Phone Commander installed, then you can just send RC commandsin plain SMS text messages. These commands as listed below:1.??gps - Request its gps coordinates which can be entered intoGoogle Map.2.??call - Request the phone to call you so you can listenin.3.??beep - Request the phone to beep even if the ringer isoff.4.??lock xxxx - Lock the phone with a specified PIN.5.??camera - Request the phone to take a picture with the maincamera.6.??flash - Request the phone to take a picture with flash. Usefulto locate phone in a dark room.7.??front - Request the phone to take a picture with the frontcamera.Known Issue1. This app does not work in phones installed with SMS interceptingapps. This app monitors your SMS messages but will not interceptthem.2.When the phone is in sleep mode, the front camera may not workthrough remote control. This is a limitation of the Android OS. Ifthere is no response for a photograph function, do not issueanother photograph command. You may flush the photograph buffer byissuing a "beep" command.Installation Instructions1.Install as instructed by Google Play.2.For GPS Phone Locator or GPS Phone Locator Trial, start the app.You should see the screen labeled "Activate device administrator".Click "Activate". This will allow this app to lock your phoneremotely.3.No special instructions for GPS Phone Commander.Uninstallation Instructions1.Go to System Settings and then Security.2.Click "Device administrators".3.Click the tick to the right of GPS Phone Locator or GPS PhoneLocator Trial.4.Click "Deactivate".5.Click Home and uninstall as you would uninstall any otherapp.Please see the product web page for details.
Json Keys 1.0
Ace Software
This app displays the top level keys of a JSONapi source. You can specify the URL to display. This provides thetype of contents in the api quickly to the user. I wrote it to testthe behavior of some JSON api sources. I guess I share it withother developers who might find it useful.
Text It Group SMS 1.6
Ace Software
"Text It" makes sending SMS group messages funand easy. Most other Text Pro or Text Plus apps stores your contactinformation in their server. This app stores all your SMSdistribution lists right in your phone and it does not need dataservice or wifi. This protects your privacy and security. Batchmessaging cannot be easier. It minimizes your typing effort. Youdon't have to type a single letter to forward a text message to agroup or an individual. Here are the features:1.Select the recipients by clicking on checkboxes.2.No need to sign up / log in to a 3rd party server. Protect yourprivacy.3."Save" or "Save as" distribution lists created.4.Edit and update groups for texting.5.Forward a message from your texting history to a group or anindividual.
Distribution List Creator Free 1.6
Ace Software
"Text It" makes sending SMS group messages funand easy. Most other Text Pro or Text Plus apps stores your contactinformation in their server. This app stores all your SMSdistribution lists right in your phone and it does not need dataservice or wifi. This protects your privacy and security. Batchmessaging cannot be easier. It minimizes your typing effort. Youdon't have to type a single letter to forward a text message to agroup or an individual. Here are the features:1.Select the recipients by clicking on checkboxes.2.No need to sign up / log in to a 3rd party server. Protect yourprivacy.3."Save" or "Save as" distribution lists created.4.Edit and update groups for texting.5.Forward a message from your texting history to a group or anindividual.The free version may have some restrictions.
GPS Phone Commander 1.0
Ace Software
This app sends remote control commands tophones installed with GPS Phone Locator or GPS Phone Locator Trial.You can find these apps in "More From Developer". The following isa description of the Locator apps.GPS Phone Locator allows the phone installed with it to acceptcommands from another phone to perform certain functions such asreporting its location. What makes this app different is the factthat it does not use data service at all. You can check if an appuses data service by looking in the PERMISSIONS section for NETWORKCOMMUNICATION. This app uses the built-in GPS receiver which is themost accurate location service provided by your phone. What is theadvantage for a phone locator app not using data service? Well,data service drains your battery. Even if you subscribe to a dataplan, you may not enable it all the time. When you lose your phone,data service may not be enabled. With this app, that does notmatter. To some folks, data service is not necessary. In thosecases, this app would be a good choice to protect their phones. Younever know when you are going to need it. This app will also comein handy to track down kids or older dementia parents. You can alsouse it to check if your spouse is on his/her way home for dinnerand how far he/she is from home.Location tracking is just one of the seven remote control (RC)commands that you can use on this app. RC commands are sent thruSMS messages. These commands can come from a dumb phone. In thiscase you would send the commands to the phone being controlled asif you were texting your friends. All these commands start with"??" as listed below:1.??gps - Request its gps coordinates which can be entered intoGoogle Map.2.??call - Request the phone to call you so you can listenin.3.??beep - Request the phone to beep even if the ringer isoff.4.??lock xxxx - Lock the phone with a specified PIN.5.??camera - Request the phone to take a picture with the maincamera.6.??flash - Request the phone to take a picture with flash. Usefulto locate phone in a dark room.7.??front - Request the phone to take a picture with the frontcamera.If the phone sending the commands is also an Android, then the freeapp "GPS Phone Commander" can be used. In this case, you do nothave to memorize the commands and the Google Map is displayedautomatically.
Garage Door Controller GDC App 2.2.1
Ace Software
Utility app for GDC Retrofit Kit from Amazon. For details, visitPrivacy Policy.